The National Alumni Association Newsletter
February 2021
Connect with Chi Alpha alumni online. Share your events and meet other alumni.

Email us to get involved.
We would love to cover you in prayer. Click here  to submit a prayer request.

 See below for Chi Alpha's specific prayer requests.
Support a Chi Alpha missionary from your home campus or a campus near you. Don't see their ID here? Contact them directly. 

Support the National Chi Alpha Alumni Association.

Prayer Requests
Brotherhood and Sisterhood
In a typical spring semester, Chi Alpha small groups are able to develop deep bonds with and between their students. Often times, retreats assist with this and other events. Would you pray with us that regardless of capacity restrictions, God will create a deep bond among small groups in Chi Alpha this semester?  
LTC Classes Beginning and for Future Leaders 
Leadership Training Courses are starting to begin across the country. Small group members are being called to become fishers of men and join the heart of the Chi Alpha movement. Pray for these future leaders of Chi Alpha, that this calling would only root their identity in Christ further, for their sanctification, and for their future small groups.   
Alumni in Isolation 
We want to pray for all alumni who feel lonely and disconnected from community during this season. We pray for community, close relationships, and the presence of God to be gifted to these alumni. 

Our New Alumni Website is Live!
Connect with Chi Alpha alumni across the country using our new searchable alumni database. You can find alumni in your area or from your campus. Go to the site to submit prayer requests, see giving opportunities, and learn from alumni across the country.
Check it out now!
Life Together 
Throughout my time in Chi Alpha, the idea of "living life together" was brought up quite often by our campus pastors. It was how we were encouraged to live with our friends and small groups/cores because of the example Jesus set through living life so closely with His disciples. However, I don't think it was until this past year that the importance and necessity of it completely sunk in.
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"Every Alum Connects, Prays, Gives."
Chi Alpha Alumni Motto
Alumni in the Marketplace Spotlight:
Megan Parish
After graduating from Colorado State University and completing the CMIT program at Western Washington University, Megan answered the call to be sent into the marketplace. Megan moved to Denver where she and a group of friends continued to live life together on mission while living out early church and Chi Alpha principles in the marketplace. Megan loves her job as an operations coordinator for a footwear company and uses it as a place of mission. 
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© Copyright 2021 by The General Council of the Assemblies of God. All rights reserved.
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A. is a ministry of Assemblies of God U.S. Missions.
1445 N Boonville Ave | Springfield, MO 65802 | 417.567.4710