

Our Monthly Newsletter

June Newsletter

Transitioning into the Marketplace

Here are the topics that our team has deemed most relevant and useful to dive into and discuss when it comes to Chi Alpha Alumni transitioning into the marketplace. 
These topics can be discussed in groups, researched among individuals or gone through in a small group of alumni.
  • Accepting your calling
  • Finances 
    • Generosity 
    • Responsible stewardship 
  • Church 
    • How an alumni with Chi Alpha convictions and experience can serve a church 
    • How to choose a church
  • Marketplace 
    • Influence in the workspace
    • Influence in the neighborhood
    • Influence in hobbies
    • Living Biblically while at work
  • Defending the Faith (apologetics) 
  • Spiritual Authority
    • How spiritual authority applies after college
  • Time management 
  • Parenting 
  • Maintaining a world missions perspective while working domestically 
  • Chi Alpha principles continued
    • Personal walk with God after college
    • Brotherhood/sisterhood after college
    • Personal responsibility after college
  • Maintaining personal self-assessment 
  • Living in the world but not of it


There will be a full course with teachings and discussions coming in Fall 2021


TENT is a course that is meant to walk alumni through how transition into the marketplace well based on biblical values. Alumni are put in cohorts as have a leader take them through coursework, accountability and discussion that will prepare them for their work ahead both missionally and how to navigate their work environment.
Transforming the marketplace for God’s Kingdom. Edifying and supporting the local church. Navigating through life’s challenges together. Teaching and making disciples.

To find out more about TENT and to incorporate this course at your local Chi Alpha, please contact Dorthy Yann at (210) 697-7111.

View Memorandum of understanding

Springboard Curriculum 

Springboard is an interactive, inductive, eight-lesson study designed to help prepare seniors (or graduate students) for the transition from college to the workplace.
Springboard Curriculum

Marketplace Summit Talks

Chi Alpha had its most recent Marketplace Summit in 2019. The purpose of the Marketplace Summit is to inspire and equip individuals in the marketplace to a lifestyle of leadership, mission, and consecration. Here are the different talks that took place at the previous summit. 

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